Saturday, January 5, 2008

The Secret To Keeping Your New Year's Resolution

Every year millions of people (actually about 75% of us in the USA) make New Year's resolutions. However, whether its losing weight; going to a gym; quitting smoking; finding peace or reconnecting with someone..., the overwhelming majority of resolutions made are not kept. In fact, after the first few weeks of the new year most are forgotten and or given up on. But this doesn't have to be so. Make this the year that you actually achieve that resolution. The key is to FOCUS on it so that it becomes a dominate thought. Remember, you are a powerful creator and you can be, do or have whatever you want. Here are 4 simple steps to make it happen:

1. WRITE IT DOWN like any goal and why you want it, to intensify your desire. Put it on an index card next to your bed and read it to yourself morning and night. Write it in your journal and your thoughts about it nightly. An affirmation can be constructed that you can use daily. Talk to your friends about it.
2. CREATIVELY VISUALIZE it happening; you have achieved it. See yourself smoke-free or in a store shopping for a dress three sizes smaller.... Most important is to believe it and feel the emotion that accompanies your success.
3. DEVELOP AN ACTION PLAN when the inspiration comes and it will. Again write it down and follow your plan consciously and deliberately.
4. PERSEVERE... don't give up... it will be yours. Keep yourself in a positive, joyous state until it unfolds in front of you.
Peace, Joy and Blessings for 2008.

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